Treasurer’s Report 2019-01
Opening Balance: $ 10,413.19
Dues: $ 180.00
United Way:
IBM: $ 4.40
PicNik $ 25.00
Postage Box Rent $ 96.00
RPU $ 50.14
Closing Balance: $ 10,426.45
Opening Balance: $ 4,820.48
Interest: $ 0.03
Closing Balance: $ 4,820.51
Total: $ 15,282.96
- No president was elected at the December meeting, therefore we are looking for volunteers
Bob K0SIR volunteered to run for President. We’re interested in making the the most dynamic and engaging year for the RARC, specifically socialization and programs.
Technical Committee:
Rochester EOC needs a printer, the city has donated all the equipment thus far.
Motion PASSED: would the club donate $100 towards a printer for the Rochester EOC.
Public service:
February 2nd is the Frozen Goose event at RCTC and SE Rochester
Sign up at the club webpage – need 8 people
Feb 23rd Ironwood Christian Ranch bike race. Fat-tire bike races. 3-4 people needed to monitor the track. Again sign up.
ARESConnect is a national network – get connected with ARES anywhere in the country to volunteer for ARES related events. Must register in order to be a full member of ARES.
Please get your e-mail to KD0YOZ or N0HZN for newsletter and e-mail reflector.
No winter Field Day at the Rochester EOC this year – no people with access will be available.
Field Day:
Schaffer Academy would be an ideal location again.
Still in need of a Field Day Coordinator
January ARRL VHF Contest is the 19th-21st – there are many categories available so you can compete on FM only.
Bill reports the next class will be April 20th Sign up through Community Education.
Other Business:
If a new licensee joins (with their free dues).
Motion PASSED: New licensee gets a full 12 months, then pro-rated by the half year dues the year following. For example Licensed August 1st – December 31 would receive August-August membership and ½ dues at that point to fill out the rest of that year.
Introductions and meeting was adjourned at 7:05