RARC Bylaws Discussion – Nov 19th 6:30pm @ Rochester EOC (Open to all members)
This is a special-interest discussion for those who have interest in any amendments to the by-laws. There have been many suggestions, concerns, and proposals that should be taken into consideration. This will be an opportunity for those who have interests to discuss at length in an open forum without the time restraints of a usual meeting. As a result of this meeting (and any subsequent discussion), we hope to have a concrete set of amendments to the current by-laws to be reviewed and voted on by the club during the following monthly meetings. No official business or voting will be handled at this meeting, and all proposals will have to be voted on at official meetings per the current bylaw amendment process.
Suggestions may be submitted to the secretary in advance or if you are unable to attend (Collin, AA0CN@arrl.net)
We will begin with a review of the current bylaws, see https://www.rarchams.org/wp/operational-documents/