Meeting Minutes, January 2021
Meeting Started 6:32PM
Minutes reviewed
Discussion of dues and membership. Remember to pay them! If you have problems, email George KD0YOZ
Motion Carried to accept minutes
Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance: $ 7,278.56
Dues: $ 120.00
PayPal Dues: $ 310.00
United Way: $ 75.00
RPU: $ 51.02
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 9.82
Field Day:
Tower Lease
Insurance $ 323.20
Web Domain
Postage $ 118.00
Closing Balance: $ 7,182.52
Opening Balance: $ 4,821.31
Interest: $ 0.04
Closing Balance: $ 4,182.35
Total: $ 11,364.87
IBM Donation still under investigation by K0VH
Fred K4IU: Contest activities are all in newsletter
This weekend is VHF contest!
North American SSB contest coming up as well160M contest coming up
KA0MYG Tech Committee: Meeting tomorrow, discussing what to address in 2021
New Yaesu update to be considered for Fusion repeater.
W0STV: For ARES, Met with Olmsted County Emergency Operations Director
County station will be down until 1st of March for revamping.
3 computers, two for digital networking (HF and VHF). Might need some hands for setting everything up.
AB0BW State Level ARES: Dodge and Olmsted giving reports.
No longer sending reports to Joe, new person for reports to be sent to for all 11 counties.
Education: Bill offering help to anyone who wants it, online classes can be offered!
$35 fee not in place until July, and materials are changing.
Field Day: Looking for volunteers, will probably look similar to 2020’s field day
Dayton cancelled this year. Online hamvention will likely take place again
Officer’s meeting was held, minutes are available if anyone wants them contact AA0CN
Motion to accept KA0MYG as tech committee chairmanKF0S second, motion passed.
No further old/new business.
Impromptu shack Zoom tours.