Meeting Minutes, November 2022
Notes: RARC Meeting, November 8th
VP Report: KE0VUH
101 on NanoVNA
John Marshall: Club interest growing
Building directional Yagi
Science classes doing a STEM fair, through February. Radio interest!
Motion to approve minutes as posted K0AKM moved, K0VH second.
Treasurer’s report: George N0UM
Remeber to pay dues!
Report 2022-Nov
Opening Balance: $ 4,616.59
PayPal Dues:
United Way:
RPU: $ 49.68
Meeting Food $ 19.98
Paypal charges
Field Day:
Pic-nic $ 35.00
Equipment Zoom $ 162.08
Equipment D-Star Repeater $ 1,784.01
Equipment Signal Link $ 155.59
Equipment Coax 125-Live $ 440.50
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 1,969.75
Opening Balance: $ 9,822.44
Interest: $ 0.07
Closing Balance: $ 9,822.51
Total: $ 11,792.26
No public service this month
Contesting: K4IU Fred
Field Day Results are out!
37066 points for 2A Rochester ARC club
December 2nd is 160m contest, CW
December 3rd is FT8 Roundup
December 10th, 10m contest
Nominating Committee: Need VP, others positions remain the same.
K4IU, K0SAC, AI0M, W0BM, K0GMK for Nominating Committee
Mike Nordstrom KA0RTM and Taylor Bauman WB0RSJ interested for VP
WB0RSJ to chair Field Day next year (2023)
Technical Committee
Met last evening
DSTAR repeater status: We have received it, programmed and tested it, going up tomorrow
Some contact with ICOM to complete install remotely.
Should have Digital and FM on 443
255 repeater might be able to get to fixing it next year when county has money. Still has some issues with sensitivity and power
820 repeater: W0STV sourcing battery. Needed time change.
SET setup of the EOC
Using some of the old computers in some places, and Mayo computer.
125Live: Items have been obtained. Commercial company running cables, coax to them to get it run (free for us!). Monitor has been obtained.
Potentially selling the club’s DJI Phantom3 Pro.
Potential swap for Motorola Fire Department repeater for a smaller Kenwood repeater; might work better in our ARES trailer.
ARES trailer is stored upstairs; Replace the two monitors in the ARES trailer (one or two inverters to drive them)
Requesting to replace the batteries in the ARES trailer.
SET Training: Red Cross training at 9AM, opens at 8AM. Training Net at 9AM on the 147.255 repeater (Voice and Digital)
Winlink account:, and
APRS: Want people to run it for the SET. HTs, battery packs:
Primary 146.820r
Alt: 147.255r
Contingency: 146.625r
Emergency: Phone numbers, or Simplex 146.520r
Old Business:
Webmasters: Taylor and Pat are checking access, etc.
Christmas Party at Charlies: Menu being obtained. Airline Chicken w. Mushroom, Smoked Pork Chop, Beef Stroganoff, Fried Shrimp. Hors D’oeuvrses ide Salad with bread basket.
New Business:
Bill Osler K0RGR: Award for Bill recognizing his achievements to Amateur Radio. Full family membership to RARC, recognition plaque from ARRL! Also gift certificate to Pannenkoeken
Education (K0VH) to meet in the next few weeks
Skywarn Recognition Day: Virtual for this year. Could do it locally in Rochester with HF in EOC, make it a potluck!
VE Test, November 17th at ARC building, pre-registration is required.
Break for 15 minutes, business meeting adjourned!