WØMXW 443.850 MHz D-Star Repeater
The WØMXW D-Star repeater, owned by the RARC club, is located at the top of the Mayo Clinic next to the 146.625 repeater. It supports D-Star digital voice, slow speed data, and DPRS. Analog FM voice cannot be used with this repeater.
The repeater offers both local digital and connection to talk groups, called Reflectors, through an internet gateway. Ham radio operators with D-Star equipment can use the local repeater function, but in order to use the gateway and talk on the Reflectors, it is necessary to register with the D-Star system. This registration helps to ensure that only ham radio operators are using the gateway.
D-PRS information is routed to the internet and out on 144.390 as well.
For Registration, see here: https://w0mxw.dstargateway.org/
Global online D-star repeater directory: http://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php
D-Star Map: http://www.jfindu.net/DSTARRepeaters.aspx