AA0CN: A black backpack was found at the SSB station, if it belongs to you contact K0VH
W0TMP: asked if the Winlink gateway is defined on the Winlink system (does it appear on the Winlink site map?) Has anyone connected? W0STV replied software-wise the node is having issues and may not be responding correctly at this time.
W0STV: Saturday is the Rochesterfest Parade at/near Soldiers Field. We have 9 operators signed up. Operators please be on-site by 1:30PM using 147.255 repeater (as .625 is in need of repair).
W0STV: Thursday is the RARC Social at Wildwood, please RSVP to W0STV so we can be sure we have enough seats.
KC0P: Field day was pretty good time from the VHF/UHF perspective. Equipment was working and we successfully completed a Satellite contact (possibly the first in the last 15 years). Worked 40 contacts on 6m using FT8.
AA0CN: Field Day was better than expected from weather and atmospheric conditions. Thanks to all who helped, especially with cleanup!