April 2020 Hamster
Link to RARC April 2020 Newsletter
Link to RARC April 2020 Newsletter
Just a quick announcement to keep an eye on the RARC Public Service page for updates, postponements, and cancellations of events. As you can imagine these schedules will be very fluid throughout the year. IF you had signed up for any of the postponed events, please contact the RARC event coordinator listed on said page…
The RARC will meet virtually on the 147.255 repeater for the month of April since we are unable to meet in person. Our normal meeting place is: The Rochester City Emergency Operations Center located in the lower level of the 2185 Wheelock Drive Rochester Fire Station No. 2 building. Meetings start with a brief club-business…
The class runs three consecutive Saturdays from 10 a.m. to approximately 5 p.m. The class will be done via ZOOM. Con Students need to obtain the ARRL License Manual, Fourth Edition, and start reading Chapters 1-4. We will cover most of the information in these chapters on the first day. Contact Bill, K0RGR to be…
WA0RLY: Winter field day video KA0MYG: 146.820 repair is approved, moving forward with scheduling a climber. W0STV: Winter field day, 10 people were present and it was a good time, score TBD Skywarn training is upcoming at the Olmsted Convention Center. Skywarn shirts are coming for purchase. VE test coming on February 6th. Location will…
FYI the Olmsted 145.670 packet node is operational on simplex 145.670, 1200 baud AFSK at 80 watts. The nodes ID is “MNRST“. W0STV is working on an update on what other nodes it has heard and can connect to in the tri-state area. If you want to learn more about how to do keyboard to keyboard…