Meeting Minutes, July 2020

Meeting called to orderĀ @ 6:37pmPicnic to be discussedMeeting Minutes to be postedTreasurer’s report received: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 12,213.04CreditsDues:PayPal Dues: $ 30.00Raffle:IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation: $ 60.00Education:ARRL:Debits:RPU: $ 51.22Meeting FoodPaypal charges $ 2.88Field Day:Pic-nicEquipment 82 parts $ 1,391.35Tower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageClosing Balance: $ 10,857.59 Savings:Opening Balance: $ 4,821.11CreditsInterest: $ 0.03Closing Balance: $ 4,821.14 Total: $ 15,678.73 Tech committee: 82 project:…

Meeting Minutes, May 2020

Meeting on Zoom due to COVID-19 Treasurer’s Report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 11,889.70CreditsDues: $ 60.00PayPal Dues: $ 270.00Raffle:IBM: $ 6.60United Way:Amazon:Donation: $ 5.00Education:ARRL:Debits:RPU: $ 50.77Meeting FoodPaypal charges $ 8.34Field Day:Pic-nicEquipmentTower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageClosing Balance: $ 12,172.19 Savings:Opening Balance: $ 4,812.04CreditsInterest: $ 0.03Closing Balance: $ 4,812.07 Total: $ 16,984.26 Most public service are cancelled Field Day ideasK0TEmergency power/mobile…

Meeting Minutes, March 2020

Program: Pitcairn Island, VP6R presentation Business meeting started at 20:00 Minutes up, approved. Treasurer’s report, received: Checking: Opening Balance: $ 11,080.92 Credits Dues: $ 210.00 PayPal Dues: $ 200.00 Raffle: $ 18.00 IBM: $ 6.60 United Way: $ 105.00 Amazon: $ 35.97 Donation: Education: ARRL: Debits: RPU: $ 51.27 Meeting Food $ 24.95 Paypal charges…

Meeting Minutes, February 2020

Meeting called to order KF0S 6:34pm Business: Officers Reports E-mail from AARL : Not to re-elect CEO, looking for new one VP News: Programs (Tonight: Trunked Radio) Next Month: DXpedition (presented before business at 6:30PM) Secretary: Minutes posted, no objections January & February reports: Received. Checking: Opening Balance: $10,484.43 Credits Dues: $220.00 PayPal Dues: $120.00…

Meeting Minutes December 10th 2019

Meeting started 6:30pm Treasurer’s report received: Checking: Opening Balance: $ 10,413.19 Credits Dues: $ 180.00 United Way: Raffle: IBM: $ 4.40 Amazon: Donation: Debits: PicNik $ 25.00 Postage Box Rent $ 96.00 RPU $ 50.14 Closing Balance: $ 10,426.45 Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.48 Credits Interest: $ 0.03 Closing Balance: $ 4,820.51 Total: $ 15,282.96…

Meeting Minutes October 8th 2019

Meeting to order at 6:34 PM Treasurer’s report, received and accepted Treasurer’s Report, 2019-10 Checking: Opening Balance: $ 10,810.84 Credits Dues: $ 30.00 PayPal Dues: United Way: Raffle: $ 22.00 IBM: $ 4.40 Donation: Debits: Meeting Food Paypal charges KOA/PicNic $ 30.00 RPU $ 53.37 Closing Balance: $ 10,783.87 Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.79 Credits…

Meeting Minutes September 10th 2019

Meeting to order 6:30pm New member/mentor list available Dues/Join membership forms available ARRL membership form (RARC gets a cut of money!) Treasurer’s report received :Checking: Opening Balance: $ 10,390.55 Credits Dues: $ 60.00 PayPal Dues: United Way: $ 180.00 Raffle: $ 16.00 IBM: $ 8.80 Amazon: Education: $ 225.00 ARRL: $ 15.00 Donation: Debits: Meeting…

Meeting Minutes August 13th

New forms in the meeting ARRL renew forms, use and the club gets a cut! Treasurer’s Report 2019-08 Checking: Opening Balance: $11,057.72 Credits Dues: PayPal Dues: $60.00 United Way: Raffle: $18.00 IBM: $2.20 Amazon: $18.93 Donation: Debits: Meeting Food $49.43 Paypal charges $1.92 Field Day Food $235.92 Field Day $48.81 Picnic Food $200.45 RPU $104.77…

Meeting Minutes, June 2019

Started 18:36Go over club application, on websiteTreasurer’s report: Checking: Opening Balance: $ 12,074.78 Credits Dues: $ 60.00 PayPal Dues: $ 30.00 United Way: Raffle: $ 13.00 IBM: $ 6.60 Amazon: Donation: Debits: Meeting Food $ 50.19 2 months Paypal charges $ 0.96 Repeater repair $ 957.95 82 Antenna RPU $ 50.71 Field Day $ 66.85…