Field Day 2019

The Rochester Amateur Radio Club hosted a Field Day event at Schaeffer Academy June 22-23rd, open to the public from Noon to 9PM on Saturday, and from 9AM to Noon Sunday.
The RARC amassed 7900 points, taking the highest score in the state and the 17th highest score for the 3A class (out of 309 other 3A clubs)!
Full ARRL Results can be viewed here:
The 2019 field day was a great success! If you have pictures, please send them to AA0CN/Collin. Thanks to everyone who helped out and/or operated this year!
Field Day is ham radio’s open house! Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Members of the public are welcome to come and learn about Ham Radio with voice, digital, morse/cw, and mobile stations being operated, and even try it out as guest radio operators under expert guidance at our “Get On The Air” station during this free event!
Field Day 2019 pictures:
Setup for Field Day will begin on Friday Afternoon, with operations starting at Noon on Saturday, through Noon on Sunday.
The location this year will be at the Schaeffer Academy (near Fire Station #2, east of Century High School), at 2700 Schaeffer Ln NE, Rochester, MN 55906
FD Coordinator: AA0CN
GOTA Station Lead: W0STV
SSB Station Lead: KC0NPF
CW Station Lead: K4IU(?)
DIGI Station Lead: KA0MYG
Rovers: KC0P
Bonus Points: Open! (supported by K0VH)
Safety Officers: N0KZO / KC0WIJ
Tech Team: KC0CJP/KC0NPF
The 2019 layout will be similar to last year’s successful Field Day at Schaeffer Academy!

This page is the responsibility of the Field Day Chairperson.