Meeting Minutes, December 2020

Meeting starts: 6:43PM
Treasurer’s report received

Report  2020-Dec    

Opening Balance: $ 7,269.91
PayPal Dues: $ 190.00
United Way:
Amazon: $ 37.95
RPU: $ 51.24
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 5.98
Field Day:
Equipment $ 162.08
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 7,278.56

Opening Balance: $ 4,821.28
Interest: $ 0.03
Closing Balance: $ 4,821.31

Total: $ 12,099.87

Year end report:

Opening Balance:$ 10,506.42
Dues:$ 950.00
PayPal Dues:$ 1,870.98
Raffle:$ 46.00
IBM:$ 28.60
United Way:$ 315.00
Amazon:$ 126.58
Donation:$ 1,935.00
RPU:$ 621.35
Meeting Food$ 70.19
Paypal charges$ 60.78
Field Day:$ 127.61
Pic-nic$ 25.00
Equipment$ 6,852.23
Tower Lease$ 125.00
Insurance$ 608.86
Web Domain
Postage$ 9.00
Closing Balance:$ 7,278.56
Opening Balance:$ 4,820.90
Interest:$ 0.41
Closing Balance:$ 4,821.31
Total:$ 12,099.87

Meeting minutes to accept: ka0myg made motion, AB0BW second, passed

Committee reports:
Tech committee KA0MYG: Nothing to report for Tech committee, repeaters have been working fine! 255 has a bit of weird noise, repeater open and closed. 

Contesting K4IU: Ten meter contest on Friday on 0000z Sat  – 6pm CST Sunday, CW and Phone, 2 pts for every phone, 4 pts for evert cw contact, conditions have been good. See ARRL site for details.
RTTY Roundup January RTTY & FT8 contest, first weekend of January

Steve W0STV for ARES: Looking for new NCS operators for Sunday net. Go through your go-bags and kits, test equipment periodically! 145.67 packet network now linked to the metro! MNROC-2 can make link to the cities.
Skywarn Recognition Day: Remember to send in information! Tally for SE MN/ LaCrosse!
ARES Section AB0BW: New MN EC
JM Club KE0WNH: Distance learning, no direct contact. School schedule changed, 1hr of radio stuff on Wednesdays/meeting w. students. New people in positions to give permissions for JM shack installation.

Programs and party, KF0Z Eric: Anything new for club? Drones (high power video)? Overlap?
2020: Many programs, digital, fm, hf, VHF, ARES, etc.
January “Holiday Cheer” zoom meeting, no in-person meeting likely due to COVID-19.
Show and tell possibly, etc.

KE0EE Bill, new MN Section Manager in February

Old Business: Google NonProfit: KF0S- we already have it, set up earlier. Have Admin ID already, once we get it, should be able to turn on other features such as meetings.
New Business: Vote on officers:
President K0VH
Treasurer: KA0MYG
Secretary: AA0CN
Member At Large: K0UH
Motion to approve proposed officers, by W0STV (All current + Member At Large) Seconded K0GMK Passes: No opposed.

Google Docs used to store many docs, also available.
Dan N0KZO with GroupsIO, reviewing settings. Possibly putting the newsletter out on GroupsIO.
We were incorporated under legacy without needing to pay for it. $100 was allocated, can be kept/returned to club assets.Seperate emails for subcommittees may be possible via GroupIO.
Dues are due, pay them please.
Roch625 Fusion was connected to MN Nice room, but it’s now gone.
Replacement for MN Nice room is called “BluffCountry-MN” for SE Corner of MN
KE0YJJ recommends we connect 625 to that room.

Winter Field Day: Jan 30th and 31st, probably remotely/individually
Looking for new Field Day Coordinator for 2021.
Motion to adjourn, passed.