Meeting Minutes, December 2021
Meeting started 18:33pm
Secretary: Meeting minutes posted, K0MGK to approve, AI0M seconded, passed.
Treasurer: Report Received:
Report 2021-Dec
Opening Balance: $ 8,292.16
Dues: $ 90.00
PayPal Dues: $ 90.00
Raffle: $ 25.00
IBM: $ 500.00
United Way:
Amazon: $ 40.97
RPU: $ 50.92
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 3.27
Field Day:
Equipment Zoom $ 115.02
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 8,868.92
Opening Balance: $ 4,821.69
Interest: $ 0.03
Closing Balance: $ 4,821.72
Total: $ 13,690.64
Tech Committee: No report.
ARES: W0STV: This saturday, ARES meeting 9AM in place of BuG Event. 2022 planning and re-registering members. Active teams of specialists, winlink, HF in field, EOC staff, etc.
MN ARES AB0BW: Reports going in, nothing else to report.
Contesting: Fred K4IU: 10M contest last weekend. January VHF contest is coming up. New Years’ day “Straight Key Night”. Jan 8th RTTY Roundup. Jan1 15 NAQSO Party CQ, Jan22 is NAQSO Sideband contest.
Education: Options for online courses and education resources. Workgroup ongoing with JM group.
Field Day: Looking for FD Leader by Feb/March.
Holiday Party in place of January Meeting, at Charlies eatery. Start 5:30, dinner 6:30. Bring show and tell items if you’d like. Private room.
Old Business: None
New Business: N0UM proposal, club subsidizes $5/ea for attendees of the 2022 January holiday party; second Dennis Noulty. No buffet.
Deliberation, rescinded.
Motion to indefinitely postpose holiday party due to COVID via KF0S, K0GMK seconded. Passed.
Nominating Committee:
Steve Weibke W0STV President
Bob Dubke K0SIR VP
Collin Howe AA0CN Secretary
George Hopkins N0UM Treasurer
Rich Seigall W0AMB Member-At-Large.
KF0S Tech Committee
Vote taken, slate of officers passed and accepted.
Thank you to outgoing officers!
Program: VHF Contest