Meeting Minutes, February 2023
Meeting started, 2/14 6:30
Vice president’s report:
Doing presentation today on flood Ham activity
Next month: Scott Wright expedition?
Looking for presentations!
Field Day: review in May
Can use Chester woods, in SE corner (potential!)
Treasurer’s report
Report 2023-Feb
Opening Balance: $ 2,438.69
Dues: $ 30.00
PayPal Dues: $ 190.00
Equipment Sold:
United Way:
Amazon: $ 29.48
RPU: $ 48.19
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 6.74
Field Day:
Tower Lease
Closing Balance: $ 2,633.24
Opening Balance: $ 9,822.67
Interest: $ 0.07
Closing Balance: $ 9,822.74
Total: $ 12,455.98
Pay 2023 dues!
$30 individual, $40 family
Eric, Tech committee
Meeting previous night, 7 people
DSTAR repeater, unable to talk with sign-on capabilities person
Have keys, need volunteers to help get it set up.
147.255 repeater issues, county was postponing. It seems okay now?
146.820 repeater, battery replaced.
Fusion repeater is fine.
EOC repeater, looking at getting equipment. Asking to provide list for EOC/Trailer for the next few years
125Live, antennas assembled, coax run.
APRS iGATE: Was provided by John Scott, down now. Looking at digipeater options!
Any volunteers for iGate setup?
Drone sale, working out process. George will take email bids or PO box, going with ending date of 31st or 1st, Straight bid on
Bidding closes last day of month at midnight. Any problems, will make it fair.
Motion to sell drone: Sealed bid to for drone, will post pictures and on Groups IO. 28th at midnight is bid close date. George will post the high bid on the friday before. AI0M seconded. KF0S proposed. Passed.
Minimum bid? $300. Prior motion ammended. Must be paid club member. If tie, first bid wins. W0STV proposed, AI0M second
Public Service:
Dan is retiring from Public Service.
Wrapping Public Service in under ARES. Looking for ARES member to pick it up, W0STV will take it for now.
Med City Marathon: 12/13th of may for Marathon, more info to come
Safe City Nights in Rochester, monthly? ARES training activity, we can bring trailer and make an event of it. Club support for our involvement? Some nights are club nights, will keep discussing.
Hamster: Many people doing great work for Hamster! Good articles, for-sale, send to K0GMK. Subscribe to
HF Net on Tuesdays, 10m net
Education: 20 newcomers looking to get licensed!
Possibly at 125Live
ARES taking a new direction in 2023. Mutual Aid with surrounding clubs/counties and Public Service integration. Offering public service assistance. Contact Steve if you see opportunities for us!
Skywarn: Training on MArch 29th, at event center by airport
Training this Saturday for ARES/SKYWARN
Loading APRSdroid, training on format, etc.
Looking for another NCS operator for Sunday ARES net
Getting new repeater set up, getting cans tuned, deployable repeater for ARES
AB0BW: Bob, state ARES:
State reports going in. Wants list of ECs, working on ECs for counties that do not have them.
Invited to Spring Valley for training for Red Cross, check reflector for info
New Business: Format of club meetings
Programs first, business second. Options.
Mel KC0P came to John Marshall for education
Great exposure for many students, and great contacts!
AB0BW bringing in hard drives to sell, for club benefit. 500GM SATA, like new.