Meeting Minutes, July 2022
W0STV Called the meeting to order. 6:30pm
VP: Melissa Erikson visiting NASA and ARRL
Secretary’s notes posted to the website, accepted
Treasurer’s Report, 2022-July:
Opening Balance: $ 5,337.80
Dues: $ 30.00
PayPal Dues: $ 130.00
Raffle: $ 8.00
United Way:
RPU: $ 48.89
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 4.56
Field Day: $ 140.00
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 5,312.35
Opening Balance: $ 9,822.12
Interest: $ 0.08
Closing Balance: $ 9,822.20
Total: $ 15,134.55
Committee Reports: Technical Committee
Eric KF0S, 7/11
DStar repeater is still off-the-air, checking with BJ KC0NPF
MN ARES Facebook page has new Digital guy in charge, 7-8 bullets of TODOs for state ARES
125Live, tentative plan going forward
300ft coax for 2 runs, a dozen connectors
Do we have a crimping tool? PL259
Use Comet3 antenna (in ARES trailer) for VHF, buy new antenna for ARES trailer?
Military Mast: Looking at condition of one for sale, guide wheel may need repair.
Selling Phantom3 drone? Lack of valid use going forward.
Saturday after club meeting; August 13th, cleaning out at Pat’s farm, 9AM. Inventory / cleanout for Field Day.
Buy some totes and shelving to help organize.
Filters to possibly purchase for Field Day use (one for Field Day, one for ARES trailer)
Looking into headset
Looking into Signallink for VHF radios (EOC)
K0GMK checked on DSTAR repeater, it appears to be TXing full strength carrier almost constantly.
Public Service:
Scheels Healthy Human Race. Aug 27th. New people for many events, unsure how to use our services
Mayo Bounce Day (unsure if this will be happening this year)
Contesting: K4IU Fred
IARU contest CW/SSB contest this last weekend
CQ Worldwide VHF contest this upcoming weekend July 16/17
North American RTTY Contest, phone is next month, CW month after that.
Frontenac MN DX Association: Good operating (KC0P). S9 noise, may be LORAN for radionavigation
Parks On The Air: Mark K0GMK. FT8 pretty good last weekend, good into the evening (10/11pm)
HF Net on Tuesday evenings, 6-12 participants on the 10m net.
SE MN Digital Net
ARES: State AB0BW, not much from state
Olmsted ARES: Will be at Olmsted County EOC (fairgrounds), 9AM 7/16. ARMER tower training
147.255: Still awaiting information on this repeater’s health.
Old Business: None
New Business: Coax donated, silent auction at meeting
Computer donated to EOC. Dell tower. To be set up for EOC Digital use.
Picnic (next month): W0STV can cook, burgers and hot dogs/bratwurst, beans, etc.
KOA over in Marion off of HWY52, (Thanks Rodger / Barb!)
N0MGY offering to buy an antenna (wire antenna), club to consider at August cleanout.
Military Mast, selling? Keep one, consider selling the other one. We paid $600-650 for those. Now selling for $1100.
Consider selling for $850 as-is. 310lbs shipped. Toronto site sells them and parts for them.
Motion passes to sell one of the towers, price set at $850. Invite folks out to look at it at August cleanout.
Drone: Sell also? Preset next business meeting (September)
Field Day Debrief
Thanks to everyone who came to Field Day 2022
Looking to possibly move to in-town / nearer to town, or any other feedback!
Looking possibly at the History Center; Mechanical round-table has a possibly-good location
Consider upgrading ARES computers
Antennas worked very well… expand for experience? GOTA options?
Program: W1AW Tour