Meeting Minutes, July 2023

Field Day: 449 contacts as a 2F! Logs due on the 25th of July. EOC location worked well. Thanks to everyone who participated! Club discussion. Planning on EOC again next year, still considering Chester Woods. KE0WWG won’t be able to run it next year, club is looking for a coordinator. Discussion field vs EOC operation.

Business Meeting:

Vice President: Picnic in August. Discussion on food; Consider bringing a dish. W0STV coordinating. FoxHunt or Digital HF. @ Marion K.O.A. W0STV coordinating meat, condiments, drinks, plates. Swapmeet and show-and-tell. Bring a chair!

Secretary: Minutes Approved. Accept as written, W0STV approved K0VH second, passed.

Treasurer’s Report 2023-July

Opening Balance: $ 4,249.51
PayPal Dues: $ 60.00
Equipment Sold:
Raffle: $ 6.00
United Way:
RPU: $ 46.85
Meeting Food $ 19.98
Paypal charges $ 2.18
Field Day:
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 4,246.50

Opening Balance: $ 9,823.21
Interest: $ 0.43
Closing Balance: $ 9,823.64

Total: $ 14,070.14

Technical committee (KF0S):

Reinstalling Gateway server for DSTAR machine. Trying a different OS, hopefully back into Mayo this month.

625 Repeater: ID more frequently? Kerchunked? May check.

820 is fine.

255 repeater: still monitoring for service issues. Elmer’s net switched to 820 because WA0RLY was having a hard time getting into it from Austin. KE0SHQ had a hard time getting the 255 closer in. Stations encouraged to keep records on how these are behaving.

Used trailer and EOC from Field Day. Taking suggestions / procurement.

125Live: Cabinet in progress, antenna work upcoming

Duplexers: May sell them at hamfest. Some stuff for sale from trailer: Plasma TV w. mount, old 7/8ths inch coax from 820 site, old 820 antenna. $250 for old DSTAR machine (W0STV), looking for bids.

Discussion on Yaesu Fusion for 625. Set to 30C.

Public Service:

“Storm the Farm” Looking for 5-6 people. July 22nd. See reflector email.

Contesting – None

POTA – None

Education: Looking at options (K0VH), antenna possibilites

JM Club: Interest in foxhunting and licensing from JA students. Continued growth and opportunities

ARES: Battery Maintenance, 9AM Saturday July 15 at EOC. Bring HTs and batteries. Will do drils.

Consider usage of other repeaters!

Onalaska Ham Fest: Proposing RARC sets up table; Open for club members (if you attend!) $10 for table.

Winona Amateur Radio Club: Event tomorrow (7/12), see reflector!

KE0EXE selling a laser printer. $30, HP.