Meeting Minutes, November 2020

Meeting started
Powerpoint for program tonight
KF0S looking for program topics for next year!
Holiday party: Governor will govern “no” most likely
Skip Jackson has retired from ARRL Section manager
Board meeting in early January for 2021
Treasurer’s report: received!

Opening Balance: $ 6,378.43
Dues: $ 30.00
PayPal Dues: $ 60.00
United Way:
Donation: $ 1,145.00
RPU: $ 52.74
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 1.92
Field Day:
Tower Lease
Insurance $ 288.86
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 7,269.91

Opening Balance: $ 4,821.24
Interest: $ 0.04
Closing Balance: $ 4,821.08

Total: $ 12,090.99

Will need to figure out dues: Checks or online are best, a few month delay is normal.
Amazon smile might be quarterly, folks should use it!KE0YJJ motion, passed to accept the minutes.
Nominating committee: Nominations to be made for officers:
President: Dave K0VH
Treasurer: George KD0YOZ
Secretary: Collin AA0CN
Member at Large: Judy K0UH
Trustee: Gil W0BM

K0GMK to be picking up the newsletter
Motion for software for Mark K0GMK for newsletter.
N0KZO to pick up many of the public service stuff
Contesting from K4IU: RTTY Exchange coming up, 29th of Nov. is CW worldwide contest. Last two of the year 4th of dec 160m and 10m the weekend after that.

Tech committee (K0MYG) has not met, repeaters are working well since upgrade!
Todd Shea: Dec 5th Skywarn Appreciation Event (likely virtual)
New Preamble for Sunday night net to come out soon.
New for next Sunday (NZ0S)
ARES pushing for effectiveness: Winlink email via RF, and digital messaging using ICS forms
Ryc Lyden putting out notices of RC drill on the 14th, unsure of participation.
Education K0RGR: Nobody has signed up yet for virtual class. Could be posted to RARC FB page for advertising.
Field Day scores:
Rochester (MN) ARC 9,030 points. 15 participants
Old Business:None
New Business
K0GMK software: $36.43 for newsletter software to be applied to his membership next year. Proposed k0vh second k0rgr, carried.
Zoom motion: We’ve been using AB0BW’s zoom, but this year to buy license for 2021
$150 for a 1/year license. Proposed: K0VH Seconded: Alternative: Google suite of productsKE0YJJ proposed, 12 months ZOOM license, seconded, passed!
Meeting closed.