Meeting Minutes, October 2020
Meeting Start on ZOOM at 6:31pmKF0S calls meeting to order
Motion to approve last months minutes: W0STV motion N0KZ0 seconded, passed
Treasurer’s report received. Old minutes probably had data from wrong tabs, need to correct. Report 2020-Oct
Opening Balance: $ 5,507.60
PayPal Dues: $ 60.00
IBM: $ 4.40
United Way: $ 210.00
Donation: $ 620.00
Refund $ 56.88
RPU: $ 53.53
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 1.92
Field Day:
Pic-nic $ 25.00
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 6,378.43
Opening Balance: $ 4,821.21
Interest: $ 0.03
Closing Balance: $ 4,821.24
Total: $ 11,199.67
Tech committee: 820 working well. 625 repeater operating normally, in WiresX Digital Mode.
ARES (W0STV): SET tests on the 19th of September. National on 3rd of October (HF was bad on 60m). Anyone interested in ARES to contact Steve W0STV.
Contesting: CQ WorldWide and DXCC opportunities coming up. Worked All Germany and RTTY contests coming up this weekend.
Program: Intro to contesting.Education: K0RGR, looking to set date for first virtual class, likely on Zoom
Old Business: Looking for a new editor for newsletter still
Much of NR0N’s gear has been spoken for, lots of it for John Marshall HS. Some left, contact Steve W0STV.
KE0EXE: Table for ARES trailer: a motion to buy a new one was made previously. A table has been donated, can cancel previous motion.
New Business: Fred, BJ, and SteveĀ W. are the new nominating committee. If you’d like to serve, please contact one of them!
AB0BW has APRS Radios for sale: Complete dual band radios and APRS kits. Kenwood V7A + antenna, and Alinco 635 Dual Band + aprs + antenna.
N0KZO: Yahoo groups shifted to, came with price tag and year is up. Can renew for $200/yr, or downgrade to free/basic version (no files, pics, storage, calendar).
Preliminary comments by February, ongoing discussion. BJ and Bill volunteer for a Web Comittee
KF0S: Motion to reimburse N0KZO $200 for year license, and we will re-address next year. K0RGR Seconded. No opposed, motion passed.
N0KZO makes motion to create Website Committee, K0RGR seconded, passed.
N0KZO Taking over public service duties, has equipment.
Motion to adjourn, N0KZO, W0MN second, passed.