Meeting Minutes, October 2022
Meeting Notes: 10/11/2022
AC0W – RARC recognition from ARRL
To order, 8:07PM
Show-and-tell and EOC operational next month (November 2022)
ARES go-kit stuff, interesting projects, whatever
Minutes approved as posted.
Treasurer’s report: Received
Report 2022-Oct
Opening Balance: $ 5,641.19
PayPal Dues:
United Way:
RPU: $ 51.88
Meeting Food $ 19.98
Paypal charges
Field Day:
Equipment 3 computers $ 952.74
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 4,616.59
Opening Balance: $ 9,822.36
Interest: $ 0.08
Closing Balance: $ 9,822.44
Total: $ 14,439.03
No public service left in 2022, Bounce Day unlikely
Contesting: K4IU
End of month is CQWW SSB contest, premier DX contest (signal report and zone)
November Sweepstakes upcoming
K0GMK Parks-On-The-Air, wa
Olmsted ARES: Steve W0STV
ARES meeting Saturday 9AM
Discussion and preperation for SET in November.
Multi-county would be great
Setting up Rochester EOC in November
147.255 repeater for talk-in. Everyone welcome.
Technical comittee: KF0S
147.255 repeater is having sensitivity and output issue.
In-town seems to work, outlying areas are having issues.
County has been notified, end-of-year budgets tight, may not get to it until next year
No other repeaters (other than DSTAR) have known issues. Let KF0S know if something comes up!
DSTAR repeater
Computers/Laptops. 3 new laptops, getting installed.
SignalLink to EOC radio ordered, hook up this Saturday (ARES training)
Looking into disposal of old computers
VHF and HF antennas ready to go, connectors have arrived.
Nded to talk with them to run coax. Can start hooking up antennas.
Delaying Drone discussion.
Zoom charge is coming due. Will be paid for next year.
Checking into club license/trustee expiration.
Ideas for repeaters and duplexers (extra); sell, store, or put into service?
Insurance is due, updating for new equptment.
DSTAR repeater is off-the-air. Wait for possible ICOM repeater rebate; Has not happened yet. One at HRO at $1650. $1784.01 from HRO, stock is possibly lacking.
Discussion replacing the DSTAR repeater for a new one; Plug and play, nothing else ought to need replaced. 440 Analog and digital DSTAR repeater (akin to YaesuSF split modes)
What to do with old one? Possibly use for parts.
Would get us back to XLS rooms.
K4IU motion to purchase this repeater.
K0VH second.
Passed. Steve W0STV to check on tax question and will purchase.
Old Business: RARC Educational Program
Can get manuals from ARRL
JM: Ham radio club is ongoing and looking to grow. Building handheld Yagi for foxhunting.
K4IU and others for nominating committee: If interested, please discuss!
Website needs updating, looking for official “Webmaster”. Talk with Pat.
Need to make arrangements for Winter Party; Looking at Charlie’s for social gathering, for January club meeting.
Send in pictures for the Hamster newsletter!