Meeting Minutes, September 2020
Meeting to order at 6:31pm on Zoom
255 currently the “if anything should happen” repeater during meetings, consider in the future for 146.820 for this role if Zoom meetings continue.
Meeting minutes posted to the website, June minutes still seem to be missing. Kelly KE0EMJ motioned to accept, BJ KC0NOF seconded.
Treasurer’s report: Received. Big expense was tower climber.
Opening Balance: $ 10,105.72
PayPal Dues: $ 30.00
United Way:
Amazon: $ 25.01
RPU: $ 53.37
Meeting Food
Paypal charges $ 0.96
Tower Climber $ 3,480.00
625 parts $ 172.89
82 tower bracket $ 891.87
Table $ 54.04
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 5,507.60
Opening Balance: $ 4,821.18
Interest: $ 0.03
Closing Balance: $ 4,821.21
Total: $ 10,328.81
Tech committee:
Most of presentation will be on 625.
820 is back up, a few more items but nothing major.
Consider lockdown on internet-linked repeaters
KA0MYG/K0VH to start club asset inventory, if you have club equipment, please report it! ka0myg at
ARES report: W0STV
Elmer Net ran for over 40 minutes. Planned to be weekly every Monday, emails to w0stv
ARES September 19th drill in town. Training in how to set up the county aluminum tower. Training probably on Saturday morning ~9AM at fairgrounds for setup/teardown. Winlink, FLDIGI, APRS, reports, etc.
Contesting: Sept 12 @1800 6M and up contest. Other contests going on too! Some QSO parties, check the Hamster links
Education: Not much update this month, computer issues for project. Possible live class over the internet. Twin Cities group is doing testing remotely!
Old Business: None?
New Business: Thank Roger and Barb for use of KOA! K0VH proposed 2021 family membership for them and $25 honorarium, K4IU seconded, passed.
Looking for a new editor for newsletter
Also looking for folks who would like to submit stuff to be hosted on our website.
Significant donation from a member, club will keep some, others will be auctioned.
KF0S, voiced preference that we keep meetings to Zoom, we’re probably stuck using Zoom for the foreseeable future anyway. Will need to figure out holiday event also. Looking for member input.
Business meeting adjourned.
Program on 625 repeater.