NBEMS stands for ‘Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System’. It is becoming a widely accepted standard for amateur emcomm digital communications. We use NBEMS in our Thursday night net . These tutorials show how to set up and use NBEMS: Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software (NBEMS)
FLDigi (soundcard modem) and FLMsg (message handler) are the two main applications needed to participate in NBEMS communications.
MT-63/2000L is the mode most often used for VHF/UHF NBEMS communication for Olmsted ARES (See the Thursdays@6:30PM SE MN Digital Net on the 147.255 repeater)
Olivia 8/500 is the mode most often used for HF NBEMS communication for Minnesota ARES (See the Thursdays@8PM MN Digital Net on 3583.5 kHz USB).
[This post needs to be updated to be much more user friendly, thanks for your patience!]