Meeting Minutes, September 2020

Meeting to order at 6:31pm on Zoom255 currently the “if anything should happen” repeater during meetings, consider in the future for 146.820 for this role if Zoom meetings continue.Meeting minutes posted to the website, June minutes still seem to be missing. Kelly KE0EMJ motioned to accept, BJ KC0NOF seconded.Treasurer’s report: Received. Big expense was tower…

Meeting Minutes, August 2020

August Picnic @ KOA Treasurer’s report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 10,857.59CreditsDues:PayPal Dues: $ 60.00Raffle:IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation:Education:ARRL:Debits:RPU: $ 53.07Meeting FoodPaypal charges $ 1.92Field Day:Pic-nicEquipment 625 repeater $ 756.88Tower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageClosing Balance: $ 10,105.72 Savings:Opening Balance: $ 4,821.14CreditsInterest: $ 0.04Closing Balance: $ 4,821.18 Total: $ 14,926.90 September meeting to be on ZOOM again, watch email

Meeting Minutes, July 2020

Meeting called to orderĀ @ 6:37pmPicnic to be discussedMeeting Minutes to be postedTreasurer’s report received: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 12,213.04CreditsDues:PayPal Dues: $ 30.00Raffle:IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation: $ 60.00Education:ARRL:Debits:RPU: $ 51.22Meeting FoodPaypal charges $ 2.88Field Day:Pic-nicEquipment 82 parts $ 1,391.35Tower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageClosing Balance: $ 10,857.59 Savings:Opening Balance: $ 4,821.11CreditsInterest: $ 0.03Closing Balance: $ 4,821.14 Total: $ 15,678.73 Tech committee: 82 project:…

Meeting Minutes, May 2020

Meeting on Zoom due to COVID-19 Treasurer’s Report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 11,889.70CreditsDues: $ 60.00PayPal Dues: $ 270.00Raffle:IBM: $ 6.60United Way:Amazon:Donation: $ 5.00Education:ARRL:Debits:RPU: $ 50.77Meeting FoodPaypal charges $ 8.34Field Day:Pic-nicEquipmentTower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageClosing Balance: $ 12,172.19 Savings:Opening Balance: $ 4,812.04CreditsInterest: $ 0.03Closing Balance: $ 4,812.07 Total: $ 16,984.26 Most public service are cancelled Field Day ideasK0TEmergency power/mobile…

Meeting Minutes, March 2020

Program: Pitcairn Island, VP6R presentation Business meeting started at 20:00 Minutes up, approved. Treasurer’s report, received: Checking: Opening Balance: $ 11,080.92 Credits Dues: $ 210.00 PayPal Dues: $ 200.00 Raffle: $ 18.00 IBM: $ 6.60 United Way: $ 105.00 Amazon: $ 35.97 Donation: Education: ARRL: Debits: RPU: $ 51.27 Meeting Food $ 24.95 Paypal charges…